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Baby Knitting Patterns - An Idea for a Special Gift

When looking through your baby knitting patterns for the perfect gift for a new baby the choice need not be a challenging experience. We tend to think that new parents will have already bought everything their babies will need. Or perhaps they have other children and already have many of the things they need in their home.

A perfect baby gift in this situation is the gift of a hand knitted baby blanket. By presenting the new parents with a hand knitted blanket you show them that you took the time and trouble to make something special with their baby in mind. The blanket will be appreciated and is likely treasured for many years to come. And it is less likely to be subjected to the whims of fashion.

With the recent popular revival in knitting and crocheting, there are countless options available for yarns and fibers that can quickly and easily be knitted into an heirloom baby blanket. With so many wonderful pastel or bright colors available you can be sure to match any nursery decoration that the new parents have prepared. Why not create a wonderful unisex design which will be appropriate for any baby regardless of their gender?

A handcrafted gift is one which can be passed down through the generations and will be appreciated by everyone. It shows the recipient that you spent time and effort in making something to treasure and will be just the right gift for the occasion. Because of the time you spend in completing the gift it will be well received and will be a source of pride a pleasure for you.

When searching out your baby knitting patterns for the blanket or for stitch design ideas there are a few important things to consider. Here are some of them:

• Pattern Selection -- if the blanket is to be used for a very young baby you should choose a knitting pattern which is tightly woven and not too lacy. Designs with open-work allow the baby's fingers or toes to get caught up in the design and may cause discomfort and distress. Think of this as both a health and a safety issue.

Yarn Selection -- When you are knitting an item for a baby you want to find a yarn or fiber which is both soft and machine washable. Remember that baby's skin is very soft and some yarns may be too rough. Babies can be very messy and it is essential that anything they come into contact with can be easily washed. The new parents will often be too tired and busy to spend time hand washing items. And if the yarn for the blanket is not machine washable it may end up looking very sad and tatty.

• Color -- If you know the color scheme of the nursery, or even the sex of the baby, matching and choosing colors is easy. If not, use your imagination and create a wonderful unisex blanket full of color.

• Blanket Size -- When you are knitting for a baby, you may feel inclined to make a very small blanket. However, babies grow very quickly and sooner than you realize they are toddlers. Babies tend to move around a lot and require a decent sized blanket to keep them covered up and warm. Your blanket will get much more use if you make it a bit larger than the size you first thought. This will allow it to be used as baby grows.

• NO Beads -- While beading is popular in today's knitting and crocheting patterns, beads are not appropriate for baby knitted items. The beads can loosen and they then become a choking hazard.

Keep these simple considerations in mind and you will be well on your way to knitting a keepsake baby blanket which will be cherished for many years to come. As with any baby gift, you will want to ensure that the blanket is safe and appropriate for the baby who will be using it. Use your imagination and creativity when searching for baby knitting patterns, remember the things to avoid and you will find you have the perfect, safe design for the new arrival.

Lyn Bell has been in the finance industry for more than 30 years and is a Certified Financial Planner. As well as enjoying helping people to make wise financial decisions Lyn has a passion for knitting. This passion started many years ago when she was taught to knit by her grandmother. She has a knitting website
