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Compiling Barbie Pictures

Barbie is indeed the most popular doll in the world. Since its launch at the American Toy Fair in New York City last March 1959, Barbie continued to capture the hearts of girls and women worldwide regardless of their age, race, and status in life.

Studies say that the Barbie doll is a $1.9 billion dollar industry yearly. Mattel Inc.-the creator of Barbie dolls-has even claimed that over three Barbie dolls are sold every second worldwide. Barbie was invented, designed, and created by Ruth Handler, the cofounder of Mattel in 1959. She was inspired from a Lilly Doll brought from Germany and is named after Ruth's daughter, Barbara.

The creators were supposed to market Barbie as a teenage fashion doll but when younger girls seem to like it, they opened other venues and shifted their targeted market. Barbie is quite popular because of her seemingly perfect stature and body measurements of 36-18-38. She's also became a hit because almost all the girls in the world wanted to be like her at one point in their lives. Aside from Barbie, Mattel also came up with her male version, Ken who was also named after the creator's son.


Aside from collecting the original Barbie doll pieces, some people have developed a hobby of collecting Barbie pictures. These people-who are fond of collecting Barbie doll pictures-enjoy collating the different pictures of Barbie since her first introduction in the doll market. For them, it is better to collect Barbie pictures compared to those original Barbie dolls because they are more convenient to store, more easier to compile and much cheaper depending on the value of the picture.

Barbie picture collectors say that collecting and compiling various Barbie dolls pictures is a good as collecting the dolls themselves because these can serve as valuable references. Aside from that, having in possession Barbie pictures can be valuable assets especially to those who are Barbie collectors themselves.

Here are some of the most sought-after Barbie pictures out there: 1. The picture of Barbie when she was first introduced in 1959.

2. Barbie's picture during her first career as a teenage fashion model.

3. Barbie's picture when she goes to College in 1964.

4. Picture of Army Barbie as a medic Sergeant in Desert Storm in 1992.

5. The picture of Barbie as the first Olympic athlete Barbie doll in 1975.

6. Barbie's picture as an astronaut in 1965, and 1986, and 1994.

7. Barbie's picture when she was introduced in Europe in 1961.

8. The pictures of Barbie with her friends and family.

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