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Free Easy Knitting Patterns

Congratulations! Here you sit, maybe with needles andyarn in hand, excited to begin learning a wonderful, newhobby, knitting. You bought the needles, and the yarn,and even an introductory magazine to keep you company. Now what?

Fortunately, you have found a little treasure in thisarticle! In the following paragraphs I will set your mind at rest with the very best beginner knitting tips and techniques! So let me let you in on some of the bestlittle knitting secrets around!

1) Overcome Your Fear! Yes, fear. Ah, you say, whatdoes fear have to do with knitting?

Maybe nothing. On the other hand, maybe everything.If you are the type of personality who just likes to get inthere every time and get your hands dirty, then fear isprobably not that big a deal for you.

If you're like me, whenever you start a new project,your tendency will be to want everything about it to beperfect. Guess what? Nothing is ever perfect.

That isn't to say, whenever you do something it looks amess. Quite the contrary. You take time to see to it thatwhatever you do, you do your best. That usually doesn'thave anything to do with being perfect. After all, if wewere all perfect, why would we need to strive better to doanything at all? There just would be no need!

You should recognize within yourself, that "perfect"has no place in your life. Anything worth doing willpresent mistakes and errors all along the way. How else dowe ever learn anything?

2) Calling All Procrastinators! We all put thingsoff, it's just human nature. If we are new to a project,a job, or even a relationship, we think going slow, orhardly moving, is the best route to take.

Well, here's news. It never is. You need to TAKEACTION and take it now!

Open that knitting magazine to the beginning page,and start reading. It's that simple. But,you have todo it, now, (!) and just go forward.

3) Know Your Tools. Beginning knitting is simple,indeed. All you need are a pair of knitting needles. Irecommend the metal or bamboo type as they are the easiestto work with. Make sure your needles are the straightversion, NOT the circular needles.

Your knitting needles should be size 8, 8-1/2, or 9,preferably. Not too small, and not too big will help youlearn faster.

Yarn comes in infinitesimal varieties. Why, there is somuch yarn nowadays to choose from, you might walk into ayarn shop and never come out!

Again, be simple. Choose a worsted-weight yarn. Lookon the label which is on each skein of yarn for the words"worsted weight". Not sport-weight, not fun fur, not chunkyor bulky, not cotton, or chenille. Just stick with theworsted weight. And, here's good news, you can choosewhichever color you like! There are too many to list here.

4) Learn The Basic Basics Start learning to knit theeasy way. Learn how to cast on, learn the knit stitch,learn the purl stitch, and learn how to bind off. That'sit!

Do not over complicate your life when learning anythingnew. Stick to the basics and you will never go wrong!

5) Be Consistent I've been married more than 30years. That is a long time. It hasn't always been a bed of roses,nor has it ever been awful. But there are always the slow times,the rough times, the nothing--seems--to--be--going--right times.

With practice, my husband and I have learned what ittakes to be happily married. And we have let all the restgo by.

The same goes for learning to knit. Keep it simple, beconsistent, practice, practice, practice!! And no, practicedoesn't make perfect; but you will come close.

6) Knitting Is Good For You! I'll bet you didn't knowthat! But did you know this?! There is scientific evidencethat shows the benefits that come from picking up a pair ofknitting needles and creating a knitted sensation. Knitting brings about serenity; it helps to synchronize theleft and right sides of the brain; knitting brings one closerto a meditative state. The gentle clicking and clacking of the needles brings about a soothing rhythm.

This soothing rhythm leads to more harmonious bloodflow and lowered blood pressure. Our minds and bodies areconnected; but your grandmother could have told you that!

7) Do What Works. When you are learning to knit,learn one step at a time. When you have learned the knitstitch well, practice it over and over. Use it in variouspatterns, and designs before moving on to something new.Don't feel that you have to be too fancy or intricate if youdon't feel comfortable doing that.

There is always a tendency in this loopy world we livein to try and be more that we are. Do what works, inknitting and in every other way, and you will be pleasantlysurprised by the results!

Follow these 7 simple steps to get you knitting today!!You'll be a winner every time!

(c)2006 Alice Seidel All Rights Reserved

Want to Learn Knitting In a Weekend?!Alice Seidel has created the *ultimate* knitting ebook - "Ready Or Knit...Here I Come!"FREE Details:==>
