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Japanese Knitting Books

Most people think that Japanese is a hard language to learn. Most people think that you need to slog away, hour upon hour, in front of a pile of text books to become fluent in Japanese. In reality it all depends on how you want to study.

When you want to learn the Japanese language you can take the easy road or the arduous one. Unfortunately, ninety-nine percent of the studying methods you can use are the arduous type. Why not turn the tables on study and make learning Japanese fun?

The best way to learn Japanese fast is to follow these simple steps:

1. Ditch the text books

Let's start learning Japanese without the read and repeat, practice and forget methods! Clear a space on your desk-- all you need is a piece of paper.

2. Fill out your piece of paper

List up all the Japanese words that you want to learn quickly.

3. Make mnemonics

What are mnemonics, you ask? Mnemonics are words that will help up remember our Japanese words easily. An easy way to think of mnemonics is as associations. We are going to create associations between Japanese words and images. This will enable you to recall a word very simply.

4. Concentrate for 10 seconds

10 seconds is all that is required. You have a word and a mnemonic. All you need to do now is close your eyes and think about the association that you created.

Let's look at an example. The Japanese word for SMOKEY is kemutai (keh - moo - tie). Create an association of a neck tie made of chemicals with smoke pouring out of it. Then close your eyes and think about "smoke pouring out of your CHEMICAL TIE".

Learning the Japanese language quickly can be that easy.

To find out how to learn the Japanese language in the blink of an eye visit David's web site at
