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Knitting Baby Sweater

You had a dream: make money from home in your Doctor Dentons with your very own Internet business. No more commute. Time for your family. And yourself. Maybe a round or two of golf now and then.

Having no idea where to start, you did due diligence. You surfed the web and looked for articles and websites and whatever else you could find to see how to get your online business going.

You downloaded and/or printed out data that you thought might be useful. You subscribed to a bevy of online marketing newsletters. You might even have purchased some eBooks and software.

Now what?

Well, we always like to apply offline logic to online situations, since most of us have been offline for years.

Which brings us to: knitting.

Let's say you want to learn how to knit. You picture in your mind's ambitious eye a cool multi-hued sweater with a shawl collar and those great balloon-type sleeves worn by the really swashbuckling sort of pirate.


Only – you don't know how to knit.

So you study the construction of a knit garment made by the talented hands of your Great-Aunt Sophie. Good.

You get a book on knitting. You read it through not once, but twice. Even better.

You rent a video about knitting. You watch it. Several times. Good for you.

But – still no sweater.

See, here's the thing. You can study the work of other people. You can read books, both e and print. And you can watch videos by the score. In fact, you should learn as much as you can before you start any project. Never underestimate the power of, or the need for, research.

But until you actually pick up those knitting needles and do whatever it takes with that yarn (we have no idea what that might be: we don't knit), you will not have a sweater.

Unless, of course, you go to Macy's. But that, of course, is not the point. This is supposed to be your sweater.

And your Internet business. At the end of the day, with both sweaters and Internet businesses, nothing will get it done but doing it.

Just as you'll learn to make the sweater by starting with a single row of stitches, then moving on to a small block of knitting, you'll learn about building an Internet business by mastering one step, one strategy at a time, then moving on to the next. That is, save the sleeves, as it were, until you've mastered the basics. Maybe start out with a scarf. For someone very small.

You'll make mistakes. In fact, the only way you can make mistakes is by taking action. If you have no yarn, it won't get tangled, and you won't drop stitches. But also, you will never have that sweater.

Every stitch you drop, every tangle in that yarn will teach you just a little bit more about the process of knitting. Stitch by stitch, block by block, even tangle by tangle, you'll see your sweater taking shape.

And when you've finished it (which you will, if you don't give up when you get to the sleeves), you'll know infinitely more about knitting than you did when you first looked at Great-Aunt Sophie's handiwork.

And the next sweater you knit (or the next website you build) will be a piece of cake. Comparatively, anyway.

But. You do have to start. Really, it's the only way to finish.

Bob Brooker and Kaye O'Dougherty are dedicated to the proposition that FREE is good. They believe it's the first step toward redistributing the wealth and paving the way for an abundant life for everyone on the planet. So come on now! Get your share! Stop working to make the rich richer. Isn't it time to make you richer? Don’t worry if you're broke right now. Let Bob and Kaye show you how to get started for FREE, and how to GROW from there! Visit them at And/or, if you're a homeowner, check out http://mortgagemoneysavings.comTo your wealth!
