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Knitting Factory

Stop pushing delete-simply un-subscribe. Although a topic may have been of interest to you four years ago, when you were snowed in with nothing more to do but surf the web for tips on knitting your dog a tail warmer, you may have since grown as a person, and evolved. Maybe you moved on to Paper Mache', or thumb wrestling.

You complain each time you open your email box and there are 23 emails filled with information on where to buy yarn by the pallet, and links to patterns for doggie mittens. Habitually, you grumble under your breath something about spam, and hit delete, delete, delete. If you know you subscribed to the site, and no longer require the information, simply open the email and un-subscribe. Granted, this isn’t always easy. Sometimes the site owner of that knitting circle will harass you with a pop up or two, trying to lure you back.

Sure, they’ll tempt you. They’ll remind you that by leaving the group, you’re going to miss out on their list of nifty new uses for knitting needles (kind of interesting, I must admit) but be strong. They may even try to sweeten the deal by offering you helpful hints on creating potholders for all occasions. Unless you truly see yourself breaking out your dusty old knitting needles to create the next fad in leg warmers, just click un-subscribe. It will make your life much easier. (Send me that link for the knitting needles uses, would ya?)

Angie Hodges, GVAAngie Assist Virtual Purchasing and Business Support
