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Knitting Instruction

Looking at some of the beautiful things that are created with items as simple as yarn and a hook or some needles, you might easily get the impression that the skill required to produce these creations is a difficult one to master. Not so!

I’ve seen more than my share of both knitting and crocheting being done and also being taught, and, I’m always amazed how quickly people can pick up a new skill like that when they can benefit from the proper instruction.

It’s the decision to actually start that holds most people back! Once you’ve made up your mind to learn, you are likely to be quite surprised to learn that it was easier than you had ever imagined.

Beyond producing your own creations and the feeling of accomplishment that will result, there are other good reasons to take up crocheting or knitting.

Scientific research has proven that repetitive activities like crocheting, knitting and other similar activities have a calming effect on the brain. These activities represent a great way to decompress after a hard day at the office while you create something useful at the same time.

I’ve had the opportunity to hear from many people who have recently taken up a hobby such as crocheting or knitting and it’s amazing how similar so many of their experiences can be.

Many people report that they feel almost as if they are addicted to their new hobby, because they enjoy it so much.

I’ve heard more than once from people that proudly report to me that they have made a habit of taking their new hobby with them when they go to work, so they are able to work on their projects during break time.

Others report that they take their supplies almost everywhere they go and work on their projects during any free moment they happen to have! They enjoy it that much.

And what better way to create a gift for a loved one that truly has that personal touch!

If you have been thinking about starting a new hobby, whether it is crochet, knitting or something completely different, I’m willing to bet that you’ll find that getting started was easier than you anticipated.

What are you waiting for?

Randae Radford is webmaster for, a producer of quality instructional videos designed to teach people who would like to learn to crochet.
