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Knitting - Its Not Just for Your Grandmother!

Don't be fooled by the image

When you think of knitting the first image that comes to mind is that of a granny knitting socks or something for her grandchild. However this is far away from the image you should have about knitting.

In fact its fair to say knitted clothes and accessories are always in fashion and even many Hollywood stars and celebrities are featured and like wearing knitted clothes, likewise many top designers often feature knitted garments in their collections – just glance through any fashion magazine and you'll see loads of knitted clothes.

Getting started

For many of us, we are just happy to wear knitted clothes, others start knitting themselves and really get the bug. . If you are looking for a hobby or a way to spend a pleasant time but not without a purpose with a great result at the end of it, you should consider starting to knit. You will soon love knitting, and will start trying different patterns and different yarns to achieve different effects as you become more adventurous.

Relax & Enjoy

Knitting represents a hobby for many people because it is so relaxing. Some enjoy knitting in front of the TV, while others even knit in a group. Some people who have started knitting say that the repetitiveness of it is very soothing. For others, knitting is a form of artistic expression. Even more than that, it's an extremely useful art form. We just have to think of how many interesting things we can make, from clothes to kitchen accessories.

People enjoy knitting because it combines the creativity they have with practicality . Art is about expressing yourself and so is knitting but knitting has the added bonus of making things people can use and enjoy including giving friends and family handmade gifts that are truly individual.

Consider your projects carefully

Of course, you have to be very careful for whom you knit because some people may not appreciate your efforts. There is also an old rule that says : “Don't knit a sweater for your boyfriend until you have dated him for three years” ie: you need to know the person you’re knitting for fairly well. And then be careful that you don’t make the mistake of making your present too large or too small. You can overestimate the size and make something your friend will never wear.

Don't be afraid to become a knitter, its not an old fashioned past-time as many would believe just start by looking for knitting instructions in books, magazines and patterns You will see that it is not as hard as you thought. Just start with simple things like scarves and your skills will develop. A word of warning - Do not decide to jump to the difficult things unless you have practiced the basic methods. But most importantly get started & enjoy.

Toby Russell & his website aims to offer simple advice and help for those starting out in the hobby of knitting.
