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Knitting Needles

I am so set in my ways……when did I reach the age where 'can't teach old dog new tricks' fits me to a 'T'?

Knitting is my passion and I devote far more time to it than I should. That said, wouldn't you think I would be anxious to learn every technique out there? Well….you'd think…..and you'd be wrong.

I have knit the most luxurious and warm wool socks for my husband and myself for years. We almost look forward to the first crisp autumn day as we know I will soon be replacing our summer socks with something far more heavenly.

I have always just used double point needles to knit my socks. I have suffered through snapped needles, needles falling out of the unmade sock, readjusting stitches as I knit and the fear that as you take your project out of the knitting bag you will destroy the previous day's efforts by dislodging the socks from the needles.

I have read with utter disinterest the joys of "Magic Loop" and how I can soar using two circulars. Using either method, doncha know, would mandate giving up the "right:" way to knit socks.

I recently I visited my friends yarn shop. The fact she owns the yarn shop is of immense delight to me. She offers, and I accept, a healthy discount, which allows me to stash enhance in a way I might not have been able to, if say, she had decided to be a librarian instead. She was sitting and knitting a sock using two circular needles. In the minutes I visited I watched the cuff of said sock emerge from a cast edge to measurable inches! What is going on here? Looks like my socks…feels like my socks…but grows like the whiskers on my middle aged chin.

I cautiously purchased two 16" - #2 circular needles and proceeded home to my rocker.

I am here to tell you …..there is no greater pleasure than admitting you were pigheaded about something like this. My sock drawer is going to be full! I love socks on 2 circulars.

Now…..what's this I hear about knitting two socks at the same time on 2 circulars? Rubbish………I'll never do that.

Holly Burnham is a self admitted yarn addict. The addiction will be life long and there is no hope of remission. Her constant knitting has put the cleanliness of her home in peril. Her yarn stashes are havens for generations of moths. At the risk of contracting this affliction, visit her at
