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Knitting Patterns - Free- Childrens Sweaters

I guess like most women I love clothes -- except in my case it's women's sweaters. I don't know why I like women's sweaters so much -- perhaps it's because they can be so very practical, yet very stylish and fashionable, at the same time. All I know is that I have been wearing sweaters for a long time (since my very earliest days, in fact) and I don't think I'll ever stop.

One of the things that I think I'd be interested in women's sweaters was the fact that I learned to knit when I was a teenager -- I used to sit for hours and hours with my grandmother and we would knit all sorts of things -- and eventually, when I was a bit older, I tried my hand at knitting a sweater. And when I discovered that you could find all sorts of free knitting patterns for women's sweaters on the Internet -- I nearly went ape! Now I have knitted about a half dozen sweaters -- all types and sizes for myself and other family members.

One of my most valued sweaters is an old woolen woman's ski sweater that has an old-fashioned snowflake applique design across the front -- it doesn't fit me so well anymore, because it was given to me as a gift by that very same grandmother when I was just a teenager. But it is too precious to me, for the memories that it holds, to ever dispose of it.

When I came to this country I was adopted by a nice American couple, who are (at least partially) of Irish extraction. So very early on I learned of the existence of thick, warm Irish knit sweaters -- as a matter of fact I have a fond love for all the northern European countries which are located in cold climates -- that's why I also love my Icelandic design Bergen women's cardigan as well. Both of these types of sweaters are just perfect to wear when it gets REALLY cold outside!

Of course, I'm not a little girl anymore -- I put on a little bit of weight here and there through the years, so I was glad to see that more and more manufacturers are producing clothing in a plus-sizes. I have a couple of women's plus size angora sweaters that I like to wear on special occasions -- especially when my husband and I like to spend some romantic time together (he just seems to love cuddling up with me when I'm wearing one of those very soft angora sweaters!).

Of course an angora sweater is not something that I want to go around wearing every day. When I'm busy cleaning up around the house I like to wear a sweater vest, because it is sleeveless and won't get caught on objects as I move around home. I think that women's sized sweater vests are a great practical addition to any woman's wardrobe (any woman who loves sweaters, that is!).

I'm trying to get my older daughters interested in both knitting and sweaters. How am I doing that? Well I have purchased a few 100% cotton women's sweaters for them -- they're not as expensive as some of the other types of women's sweaters. I have also begun teaching them how to knit -- right now we're working on some tall women's ski sweaters -- they're a little bit too big for them to wear, but they like the idea of slipping into something that is oversized -- it seems that oversized garments, particularly sweaters, are favored by the young these days.

Well, that's a trip through my sweater drawer -- I hope that these few thoughts have perhaps ignite your interest in taking a knitting, or might inspire you to purchase a sweater or two for your self or a loved one -- and if that's happened, I'll be more than satisfied!

Hi! I'm Hwang Keum-Ok -- if you would like more information on the world of women's sweaters, take a second and check out

Womens Sweaters -- Your Timely Information Source Thanks for stopping by!
