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Knitting - The New Cool

It’s hip to knit! Knitting is the new cool and enjoying a huge revival.

Beautiful hand knitwear is as popular today if not more so than 20 years ago, when it was considered a bit stuffy and conservative, something your Grandma would make that you wouldn’t be seen dead in or even alive in.

But now with mainstream shops selling mainstream clothing where nothing is different, originality is everything it’s what gets you noticed, makes you stand out from the crowd.

So pick up those needles there is no shame in admitting to knitting. Knitting is so cool celebrities are doing it, style icons like Madonna, Kate Moss, Julia Roberts and Rebecca Galeney to name a few like to knit and it’s not something just for the rich and famous to enjoy everyone can afford to knit, they are just getting into a fashion revival they want to be part of.

There is a big interest in everything homely like the cottage industries set up in your own home and made to a very high standard because you have made it personally by hand with care it’s not produced on a production line or by machinery one after the other all the same.

Crafts like knitting are booming, people are getting back to basics it’s more important to have made it yourself instead of following like sheep and it’s making an impact.

Look back to the 60’s the retro styles are all coming back, brightly coloured tank tops, chunky cardigans, mohair sweaters and oversized stripey jumpers.

I love wearing things that no one else has something that I have made myself in the style I wanted and the size I wanted. It is original because nobody else has it there is only one it’s unique. It is a great sense of achievement to look at something you have made that people compliment you on and say how great it looks and where did you buy it you can reply I made it!!!

If you are a newcomer to knitting start off with large needles, chunky wool and easy patterns and watch how fast your knitting grows, start off with a scarf something easy, there is a lot of help out there with how to knit instructionsIt won’t be long before you are knitting with confidence and doing complicated patterns casual designs or brightly coloured stripes, knitting a lacy top for summer and a thick chunky cardigan for winter.

So don’t pull the wool over your eyes, pick up those needles and get clicking you can do it.

Remember originality is everything!

About the author:

Rebecca Galeney loves knitting and teaching other people how toknit, she has been knitting for over 35 years. Designs her ownknitwear collections both adults and children's in her website please take a look.
