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Knitting With Cotton Yarn Patterns

When you are ready to make a quilt, one of the things you might enjoy most is going to the nearest store to take a look at all of the different fabrics you have to choose from. There are so many designs to choose from, as well as different types of fabrics. How do you know what to choose?

You should always look for 100% cotton fabric for quilting. This is because it will hold up well, and you won't have to worry about the quilt looking strange in some places after a while. If you use cotton fabric for quilting, and make sure you wash and iron the fabric before you use it, you will have no worries, and your quilt will stay looking perfect.

What happens when you use other fabrics? Well, sometimes after a while the other fabrics will stretch out, so your quilt that once looked perfect might not look so perfect anymore. Also, if you use a mix of fabrics in a quilt, and then wash it, some of them might shrink while others might get into different shapes. If you use all 100% cotton fabrics, you won't have to worry about that.

Another nice thing is that at most shops where you will find fabrics, most of them are 100% cotton, so you will have plenty of choices for making your next quilt. So if you want a whole bunch of choices of nice colors and patterns, cotton is the fabric to choose.

Cotton fabric is also usually less expensive than other fabrics you will find, so that is another nice reason to use cotton for your quilts. Your quilts will end up being less expensive than if you use other fabrics.

As you can see, there are many reasons why you should use 100% cotton when you are making a quilt. If you use cotton for quilting fabric, you will find you have nicer quilts without many problems that other fabrics can cause. You will also have more patterns and colors to choose from, as well as spend less on your materials. Why would you choose anything else?

Jenny Grant enjoys quilting and loves to help others learn how to quilt. She wants to help you make quilts faster so you can make more quilts for friends and family and even earn money from selling them! If you want free tips on quilting, visit the Quilting Advisor
