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Loom Knitting Stitches

It used to be a simple crochet hook, yarn and a pattern was your total supplies if you crocheted. Today we have a much larger selection of crocheting equipment and many are great improvements. But some are just new variations of the old equipment.

There is a new crochet fork or as we called it a hairpin lace loom. There are many different brands out today. When I was young we made our own lace loom.

We took a wire clothes hanger apart, using a pair of pliers. This is how we made one; we bent and shaped the hanger into a shape of about 6 X 3 X 6 X 3 inches. That is 6 inches high and 3 inches wide. The bottom 3 inches we would make a bend on the end so it would hook on the other 6 inch rod or long side piece.

It was not as slick as the new ones today, but it served its purpose and I learned to make hairpin lace on it. You would crochet up a piece and open the bottom to take it off the loom.

Another new item today is the larger crochet hooks like the large handled crochet hooks. I think these are long over due and are just about grand. As some folks get older and their hands stiffen a bit with arthritis and such, it becomes more difficult to hold a crochet hook.

In the old days they would have had to give up crocheting. But today there are so many new larger handled crochet hooks made for the less than flexible hands. As some get older they have to give up so much in life that this is just another blow to the ego. But now we can continue to be creative and enjoy our hobby. This is very important to our crocheting friends and family.

These larger handled hooks are not yet out in all the sizes but your choices are expanding every year. The larger sizes from C to J are readily available.

This is wonderful news for a person that has crocheted all his or her life. They can now continue for many more years to come, tanks to these great improvements.

If you are in need of these larger hooks or if you have a family member or friend that loves to crochet but finding it more difficult each day. Do think of getting them some of these larger hooks. They are more expensive than regular hooks but they are the perfect gift for your crafting friends.

Linda Spangenburg draws on 35+ years from her knitting and crochet business experience, both as a teacher and craft business owner. She is the author behind "Looney for Looms" where you will find patterns for loom knitting. We hope you found the information here inspiring enough to try a craft homebased business? You can find more free information about knitting and crochet for profit at
