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Louet Euroflax Knitting Yarn

So, you have been to the Renaissance Festivals and the craft shows and you have made the decision to learn how to spin! It looks so easy and it seems as though everyone who spins is so relaxed and having a great time. After all, everyone who spins seems to attract others who spin; it’s just like a small community. Yes, you have discovered one great thing about spinning; once you have made the decision to learn to spin you do become part of the great spinning community. Now all you have to do is figure out how to begin!

The first thing you need to do is find someone that is willing to teach you, or find a class that you can enroll in. There are a great many spinners across our country, and many are willing to bring new people into the craft. Many communities have weaving or knitting guilds which attract people who spin. I know in the two guilds that I belong to, there are quite a few men and women who spin. Most spinners don’t tell you that they spin when they introduce themselves, but if you listen very carefully you will soon find the spinners in the guild. Some cities and towns even have classes in yarn stores and weaving stores that will be happy to enroll you in a class or even provide private lessons. Very few community colleges have classes, but some are beginning to provide continuing education classes for those that want to spin. There are even books and video’s that show you how to spin, but really, spinning is a social event usually accompanied with instruction, good talk, lots of laughter and sometimes food!

Once you have found someone to learn from, you then need to decide what type of spinning you want to try. Do you want to try spinning on a spinning wheel or using a drop spindle? Some instructors want you to learn how to handle a drop spindle first. A drop spindle is usually made of wood that has a long rod protruding from round heavier disc base. Some drop spindles are very plain and others are quite ornate. Learning how to spin on a drop spindle teaches you how to handle and control the fiber that you are using for spinning. Other instructors will want you to try the spinning wheel first. I have found that those individuals who learn to spin using a drop spindle prefer using the drop spindle over using a wheel. Those that learn on a wheel first, generally prefer using a wheel over a drop spindle. In my experience, it is a wise person who learns to spin on both the wheel and the drop spindle and can spin on both well.

If you have decided on learning to spin on a wheel, you need to decide what type of wheel you would like. Specifically there are traditional spinning wheels, traveler or upright spinning wheels, there are spinning wheels designed from the Polish and Baltic Regions and then there are very modernistic spinning wheels. At this point the spinning wheel that you choose will depend on your tastes in design as well as how well how it feels when you are first trying them. Please try as many as you can before making this investment.

There are many companies that make spinning wheels: Ashford, Majacraft, Louet, Schacht, Kromski to name a few. All of these companies are well recognized in the spinning community. They also have web based catalogs that you can look at different wheels and compare prices. I have found that it is much easier to find a store that will put your well together instead of trying to assemble a kit. If you are able to find an assembled spinning wheel, again, make sure that you try out the spinning wheel before you buy; if you make this type of investment you need to make sure that you will enjoy spinning on the wheel. Make sure that your spinning wheel comes with spinning oil. You will need this to keep your wheel oiled and in good condition. Your wheel will need to be oiled often.

The last basic thing that you will need is carders. Carders are used to card the fiber. Carders are also known as handcarders (spelled as one word). There are carders for wool and carders for cotton. If you are just beginning, get the carders for carding wool. Most instructors will have you learn to spin with wool. Carders look like two small blocks of thin wood with a covering of tiny metal rounded spikes. If you are just beginning get the regular sized cards, you will not need the mini cards are the over sized cards at this time.

Well, now you have the basics. Good Luck and have a great time learning your new craft. I hope that your craft will become an art form for you to indulge in, learn from and grow with for many years to come.

Leslie Arnold has been spinning for about 25 years. She is writing articles that include crafts and hobbies.
