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Navajo Churro Yarn Knitting Pattern

The amazing transformation of Navajo jewelry designs can be seen as the tools and process of the Navajo artisans have changed over the years. The 100 plus yeas of change in economic and cultural influences have influenced Navajo jewelry, although much of the Navajo jewelry continues to be handcrafted as it has for hundreds of years.

As, the global marketplace has expanded over the last decade so has the demand for handmade Navajo jewelry. Collectors are able to get beautiful handcrafted turquoise silver jewelry pieces that are unique and almost one of a kind. It's a nice change for people who are tired of having the same jewelry pieces as everyone else. The costs for most handmade Navajo Jewelry pieces are quite reasonable compared to other handcrafted pieces of comparable beauty. Plus, the style, history and culture is not comparable to any in the world.

Of all Navajo Jewelry the bracelet is probably the best known. It's one of the pieces that are most frequently purchases by tourists as souvenirs. Also, Navajo Jewelry Wholesalers sell more bracelets than any other form of jewelry as well.

Over the last century turquoise has become more available to the Navajo Silversmiths. Turquoise is normally imported from mines around Nevada and Colorado. As time has passed the availability of turquoise and other stone has become more plentiful allowing silversmiths to include them more and more into their work. Normally a silversmith will put more than one set of turquoise stone in the bracelet to keep it from looking bare and unfinished. If for some reason the silversmith can not afford to purchase large enough stones for the bracelet he will by smaller stones that are normally “leftover” from the mining process for much cheaper.

Steven Hooper is the co-founder of, an information site relatated to Native American Jewelry
