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Tahki Yarns Cloud Knitting Pattern

Everywhere we look in nature we see patterns; Patterns in the clouds, the waves, erosion on the hillsides. For those who look at erosion, clouds, waves and patterns of nature it must become quite obvious of simplicity of the complex designs. Through the study of these things we have learned a lot, especially recently with our satellites and super computers.

We are in a very unique place to not observe these patterns, but create new events and to actually predict and know what will become of what we create. Thus predicting the future of our actions. This means as we take control over our environment, we can with slight modification create a better world to fit our genetic pattern and human needs for our species expanding populations around the Globe. By doing this we can prevent cataclysmic events, extend life, build safer cities, understand future explored worlds and continue our life experience with abundance.

You might be thinking that I am making a leap of faith on the patterns in nature, but it is evident. You might say that clouds are not all the same or that erosion patterns are not a good example of my premise. Since erosion is an obvious pattern of nature, why would it be any different than any other pattern? Why would it not be controllable and predictable, imagine a paradigm shift in flood control building safety? No more drownings of humans from floods. We often divert our civilizations free flowing water. Now then what about re-diverting clouds for rain? What if we modify and manipulate frequencies, clouds and erosion patterns all together. Make it rain into reservoirs and where we want the waters. What if or should we say how long until? Think on it.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
