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What Do Slipper Knitting Patterns and Crochet Scrunchies Have In Common?

I have been knitting and crocheting for over 40 years. I have made everything from knitting golf club covers to a crochet finger puppet and to large afghans. I had a successful craft business now I am retired and mainly create for charities.

Why would somebody start knitting and crocheting for charities? Because I know what it is like to be a little girl and to be given a pair of brand new mittens. I came from a very large family with very little income. When I was a child we were poor, my father worked hard to support us but with 9 children there was never enough. We were so poor that we had to use old socks for mittens.

Unless you have experienced something similar, you cannot imagine the delight a simple pair of mittens can bring to a little girl. You probably do not understand how a nice warm hat could be a cherished item. I know everyone thinks today we need electronics and gadgets to make kids happy. People do not realize that kids still stand and wait for the bus in the frigid weather. Their folks work hard but there just is not enough money to buy the extras like mittens and hats.

Those poor days are far behind me now but I still remember the church giving us those little gifts at Christmas. There are still children through no fault of their own that go without in the USA. My heart goes out to those little girls and boys. We tend to forget America has plenty of desperately poor areas also. Not all the poor are overseas in third world nations.That is why my knitting and crocheting has turned to the charities.

Christmas is a time for giving but the need is there year around. I make up crochet scrunchies in pretty colors for the little girls. They are just a little extra these children seldom get. Or a kids crochet scarf, knitting a hat for a little boy or a pair of slippers are all items they are thrilled and surprised to get.

So why not pull out that crochet slipper pattern? Maybe try knitting mittens; there are some nice basic patterns online. There are many little cold hands out there you could help warm.

You can make items from preemies to adults. From booties, baby blankets, hats, mittens and even toys. Just about anything you enjoy creating one charity or another can use. The neonatal units, homeless shelters, cancer patients, both children and adults all could use some help. The Indian reservations all over our nation could use our help. Yes even some of the police departments. They often carry small dolls and teddy bears for the children that are dealing with a trauma.

There are so many groups that could use our handwork; you will have no fear of running out of people to create for. We knit and crochet because we love to create and to give. So how about we put our talents to work helping others.

Written by Linda Spangenburg. I hope you found the information here inspiring enough to try a craft homebased business? You can find more free information about knitting and crochet for profit at
